St. Louis Hip Pain Chiropractor

Our chiropractors provide comprehensive treatment for a range of hip and hip joint pain. Common causes of hip pain are tendinitis, tendinosis, bursitis, arthritis, and femoroacetabular impingement. Additionally, some types of lower back pain, such as sciatica, will refer pain to the hip.

Hip Pain Treatment

Hip Pain Causes and Treatments

Tendinitis, tendinosis, bursitis, arthritis, hip impingements, and sciatica are some of the most common causes of hip pain. There are usually overlapping treatments for hip pain. For example, combining myofascial release, stretching, and rehabilitation are great ways to relieve pain and promote healing. However, for the best results, it is helpful to identify the source of hip pain before beginning treatment.

Chiropractor for Hip Pain Treatment in Kirkwood, MO

Should you see a chiropractor for hip pain? How to diagnose hip pain

The first step in getting a correct diagnosis is to have a chiropractor or other musculoskeletal specialist perform an exam and orthopedic tests. During the exam, a chiropractor will discuss how the pain started, and movements or activities make it feel better or worse. Next, they will perform orthopedic tests, moving your hip and having you resist movements to decide what is causing the pain. If pain is persistent, not improving, or becomes complicated, imaging such as an X-ray or MRI may be necessary.

Can a chiropractor help with hip pain?

Chiropractors are doctors who specialize in diagnosing and treating musculoskeletal pains by using manual therapies. When treating hip pain, chiropractors will stretch or massage specific areas that have tension or myofascial restrictions. Next, they will provide corrective strengthening exercises meant to make the surrounding soft tissues more resilient. Many qualified chiropractors will also provide additional therapies, such as acupuncture or shockwave therapy.

Hip tendinitis and tendinosis

Tendinitis is when the tendon (which connects muscles to bones) becomes inflamed, leading to pain. Tendinitis can usually last from days to weeks and sometimes becomes tendinosis. Tendinosis is when the tendon degenerates and frays leading to more chronic pain. Tendinosis can last months or even longer and often returns if not treated correctly. The process of tendinosis is similar to golfers' elbow and plantar fasciitis. When this process happens in the hip, it is called greater trochanteric pain syndrome.

Chiropractic treatment for hip tendonitis and tendinosis

The treatment for greater trochanteric pain syndrome is to rejuvenate the gluteus tendon in the hip. For example, myofascial release can be used to initiate and speed up a healing response. Strengthening the gluteal muscles and tendon is the best long-term strategy. The crucial element is to strengthen the hip progressively. If too much exercise is performed without proper recovery, the tendon will not heal properly. However, if the exercises are not strenuous enough, adaptation will not occur, and the pain will persist. In addition, stretching tight muscles in the hip and pelvis is also helpful for optimal success.

What is hip impingement?

Femoroacetabular impingement is when the ball and socket joint bones rub together and is more common in very active people who participate in sports and exercise. Sometimes, the rubbing of the bones causes more bone growth, resulting in a more significant impingement. The bone growth can occur on the ball (head of the femur), socket (acetabulum of the pelvis), or both. In some instances, there is a snapping of ligaments over the front of the hip called snapping hip.

Chiropractic care for hip impingement

The treatment for hip impingement consists of a combination of stretching and performing corrective exercises to address muscular imbalances. In addition, chiropractic hip mobilizations can help align the hip and reduce impingement symptoms. Snapping hip is often improved after individualized stretches and exercises are performed consistently.

Hip flexor pain

Where is hip flexor pain felt?

The hip flexor is a group of several muscles. The two larger hip flexors are the psoas muscle and the iliacus muscle, commonly referred to as the iliopsoas. These two muscles connect and attach to a bony prominence on a deep front portion of the hip. Hip flexor pain is often felt in the front of the hip, especially during activities that involve flexing the hip with resistance, for example, raising your legs.

Can a chiropractor help with hip flexor pain?

Chiropractors are usually thought of as doctors for the spine. However, they are specifically qualified to work with most musculoskeletal injuries, including hip flexor pain. Chiropractic treatment for hip flexor pain is often preferred due to it being less invasive and a longer-term solution than some medical options.

What is hip alignment?

The hip is a ball and socket joint that can move in all directions. Technically, the hip does not go out of alignment but can often feel that way. When people refer to their hip being out of alignment, they are often experiencing discomfort or a change in their normal hip function. Tight muscles and restricted connective tissue will interfere with normal hip movement, which makes a hip feel “out of alignment.” Additionally, pelvic tilts or core muscle weakness can lead to the sensation of a misaligned hip.

Chiropractic help for hip alignment

Chiropractors will discover the reasons behind a hip imbalance, such as muscle force asymmetries. Next, a qualified chiropractor will stretch or massage hip muscles that are causing any restrictions. Additionally, they can provide pelvis adjustments to improve the function of the hip foundation. Finally, a chiropractor will provide you with specific exercises to strengthen key areas related to hip pain or discomfort.

Can sciatica cause hip pain?

Sciatica is a general term that describes pain in the back of the hip or leg along the sciatic nerve path. The most common cause of sciatica is a disc bulge in the low back (lumbar spine). When there is pressure or irritation against the nerve in the low back, it will shoot pain along the sciatic nerve.

Piriformis syndrome is another cause of sciatica. The piriformis muscle is in the back of the hip and can put pressure on the sciatic nerve when it gets too tight in some people.

Addressing the disc bulge in the low back (lumbar spine) is crucial if this is the cause of hip pain. Common treatments for disc bulges are decompression therapy, spinal manipulations, stretching, and rehabilitation. Once the disc bulge pain subsides, the sciatica symptoms will also start to improve.

If the sciatica is coming from the piriformis muscle, the hip should be the source of treatment. For example, stretching and massaging the hip itself will be necessary.

Top-rated chiropractor for hip pain treatment in St. Louis

Expert chiropractors at Embody Performance & Recovery specialize in rehabilitation and are a great option to help with hip pain. The advantage of using a chiropractor is our holistic approach to combining therapies. For example, myofascial release and chiropractic adjustments combined with functional physical therapy can help get optimal results.

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We specialize in leading, non-invasive therapies that restore alignment, enhance movement, and promote healing.

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